NuMaths is a complete interactive mathematics tutorial designed as a remedial and enrichment program for primary school students. NuMaths complements and consolidates curriculum learning, in an interactive and fun learning environment.

The entire NuMaths program has been developed in Australia, resulting in over 34,000 unique web pages, involving more than 300 hours of mathematics tuition. NuMaths is true indivudualised education and does not require books. NuMaths has over 1100 teaching modules and over 11,000 reinforcement/extension question/answer pages.

NuMaths is part of an evolving mathematics culture, seeking to embrace technology and to improve mathematics delivery to a new generation of learners.

An appealing band of animals, led by the cheerful puppy “Nu Nu”, guide children through a series of sequential, number-related activities in a motivating, non-intimidating on-line environment. The use of these characters to replace authority figures helps to make learning maths less threatening for children.

The NuMaths program is designed to take advantage of the enthusiasm, which young children instinctively have for visually appealing computer-based “games”, and to channel this effectively toward mathematical learning.

NuMaths is an ideal program for empowering parents to take control of their children’s mathematics learning.

NuMaths is structured in gradual increments and uses colour levels to define student achievement. Each colour level contains major mathematics topics appropriate for that level. By taking the focus off conventional grade classifications, which tend to label children as successes or failures, children can progress confidently through the program, absorbing knowledge at their own rate.

Although NuMaths is self-paced, the program follows a very definite curriculum path. Each level progresses in very carefully graduated increments from whole numbers through the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, to topics such as fractions, time and money, measurement, space, chance and data. Students have control of their learning and can click back to demonstrations and tutorials whenever necessary. This instant replay of a lesson is often not available in a traditional classroom.

NuMaths is a stand alone program that does not require the intervention of a teacher or parents but is still user friendly for the inclusion of such a person in the learning process.